Mekeni, mag-kapampangan tamu! ♥

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“Change your language and you change your thoughts.”
― Karl Albrecht


Amanung Sisuan
The Pampangan language
or Kapampangan

  • It is one of the major languages in the Phlippines. It is the language spoken in the province of Pampanga, the southern half of the province of Tarlac and the northern portion of the province of Bataan.

  • Kapampangan is also understood in some barangays of Bulacan and Nueva Ecija and by the Aitas or Aeta of Zambales.

  • The language was spelled Capampañgan and is also called Pampango, and in the Kapampangan language: Amanung Sisuan, meaning "breastfed language". 
  • Standard Kapampangan has 21 phonemes: 15 consonants and five vowels.
  • Some western dialects of Kapampangan have six vowels. Syllable structure is relatively simple. Each syllable contains at least a consonant and a vowel.

Kapampangan is complete in vowel phonemes; they are: 

There are four main diphthongs/aɪ//oɪ//aʊ/, and /iʊ/. However, in most dialects, including standard Kapampangan, /aɪ/ and /aʊ/ are reduced to /ɛ/ and/o/, respectively.
The monophthongs have allophones in unstressed and word-final positions:
  • /a/ is raised slightly in unstressed positions except final syllables
  • Unstressed /i u/ are usually pronounced [ɪ ʊ] as in English "bit" and "book" respectively, except final syllables.
  • At the end of a word and declarative sentences, /ɛ/ and /i/ are pronounced [i], and /o/ and /u/ are pronounced [u].
  • However, in exclamatory and interrogatory statements, /ɛ/ and /i/ are pronounced [ɛ], and /o/ and /u/ are pronounced [o]. Examples:
    • "What is this?" is Nanu ine?, not *Nanu ini?
    • "Come here!" is Me kene!, not *Me keni!
    • "Who is Pedro?" is Ninu i Pedro?, not *Ninu i Pedru?
    • "(He) wrote me!" is Silatanan na ko!, not *Silatanan na ku!

Below is a chart of Kapampangan consonants. All the stops are unaspirated. The velar nasal occurs in all positions including at the beginning of a word.
Unlike other Philippine languages, Kapampangan lacks the phoneme /h/. "Que" and "C" are commonly use instead of the letter K, following the traditional orthography.
For Example: Caluguran da ca. (I love you or You are my friend) Me queni. (Come here) 
  • /k/ has a tendency to lenite to [x] between vowels.
  • [d] and [ɾ] are allophones in Kapampangan, and thus sometimes interchangeable. So, Nukarin la ring libro? can be Nukarin la ding libro? (Translation: Where are the books?)
  • A glottal stop that occurs at the end of a word is often omitted when it's in the middle of a sentences.

Basic words

Some words in Kapampangan:


My name is John-Juan ing lagyu cu
I am here!-Atyu cu queni
Where are you?-Nucarin na ka?
Who are you?-Ninu 'ica?

all of us-itamu ngan

Some Common Phrases & Sentences

  • Kumusta na ka? – How are you?
  • Masalese ku pu. – I'm fine.
  • Mayap ku pu. – I'm good.
  • Nanung lagyu mu? – What is your name?
  • Malagu ka talaga! – You are really beautiful.
  • Kasanting mo! – You are so handsome!
  • Wa – Yes
  • Ali – No
  • Ume ka keni – Come here.
  • Bisa kung maglolo keka. – "I want to court you."
  • Tabalu keka- literally "I don't know with you." (expression)
  • Eku balu.- I don't know.
  • Mako na ku. – I am going.
  • Mangan ta na, mangan tamu. – Let us eat now, let us eat.
  • Kanyaman na ning lutu mo! – You're cooking is good!

Traditional Kapampangan Songs

Atin Cu Pung Singsing

Atin cu pung singsing
Metung yang timpucan
Amana que iti
Qng indung ibatan [Better = "Kang..."]
Sangcan queng sininup
Qng metung a caban
Mewala ya iti,
E cu camalayan.

Ing sukal ning lub cu
Susucdul qng banua
Picurus cung gamat[or the active "Mikurus..."]
Babo ning lamesa
Ninu mang manaquit
Qng singsing cung mana
Calulung pusu cu
Manginu ya caya.

English Translation:
I once had a ring
With a beautiful gem
I inherited this
From my mother
I stored it as well as I could
In a hopebox
But it just suddenly disappeared
I didn't notice.

The heartache inside me
Is as high as the sky
My crossed hands (as I pray)
Are upon the table
Whoever would find
That inherited ring
[Better: My inherited ring] My poor heart (that's aching)
Shall forever worship him/her.

Aldo ning Quequeng Quasal

Pengacu ning sintang cacung liguran
Queng Domingo aldo na ning quequeng casal
Mipalucsu ya'ing pusu cu queng tula't ligaya
Micaul que pang adua bayu memun caya

Aniang miras ing aldo ning tipanan
Migayac at misulud cung pangcasal
Bigung calma aniang miras cu lele altar ning pisamban
Cacasal de ring aliwa'y Sintang Irang. (2X w/ ref.)

Sintang Irang ning bie co
Ica ing mal canacu
Nung miwale ca siping cu
Ay mate cu!

Ica ing sampaga, acu ing maging ambun
Acung babie tula qng pusu paragul
Potang bigla cang magticum
Ing tanque malanat
Ing tanque malagas!
Mabaldug qng gabun!

O Caca, O Caca

O Caca, o Caca
Cabalat papaya,
Sabian mu nang patas
Nung e na ca bisa

Refrain: Queta man quecami
Dacal lang baluga
Mangayap la queca
Biasa lang mamana!
